Дом Книги «Медведково»
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© 2005–2024 Дом Книги «Медведково»

Nesbo Jo


Roger Brown has it all: Norway's most successful headhunter, he is married to a beautiful gallery owner and owns a magnificent house. But he's also a highly accomplished art thief. At a gallery opening, his wife introduces him to Clas Greve. Not only is Greve the perfect candidate for a position that Brown is recruiting for; he is also in possession of 'The Calydonian Boar Hunt' by Rubens, one of the most sought-after paintings in modern art history. Roger starts planning his biggest theft ever. But soon, he runs into trouble — and it's not financial problems that are threatening to knock him over this time...
Дополнительная информация:
издательство: Vintage Books
год издания: 2012
место издания: London
язык текста: английский
язык оригинала: норвежский
тип обложки: Мягкая обложка
формат: 110x175 mm
вес: 205 гр.
страниц: 376
isbn: 978-0-099-55602-2
в продаже с: 28 февраля 2018 г.

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Постоянная ссылка: http://www.bearbooks.ru/book.asp?id=1537801
на 14.05.2024 13:25