Дом Книги «Медведково»
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© 2005–2024 Дом Книги «Медведково»
The Master and Margarita

Bulgakov Mikhail

The Master and Margarita

One of the great imaginative novels of the century, a fierce political satire, filled with the most dazzling surreal humour. The devil makes a personal appearance in Moscow accompanied by two demons, a naked girl and a huge black cat. When he leaves, the asylums are full and the forces of law and order in disarray. Only the Master, a man devoted to truth, and Margarita, the woman he loves, remain undiminished. The Master and Margarita is Bulgakov's last and most celebrated novel, completed in 1938 at the height of Stalin's purges and published for the first time in Russia in 1966.
Дополнительная информация:
издательство: Vintage Books
год издания: 2014
место издания: London
язык текста: английский
язык оригинала: английский
тип обложки: /
формат: 110x180
страниц: 464
isbn: 978-0-09-959393-5
в продаже с: 2 апреля 2015 г.

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Постоянная ссылка: http://www.bearbooks.ru/book.asp?id=1394326
на 06.05.2024 07:00