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Oxford Grammar for Schools: 5 + DVD

Godfrey Rachel

Oxford Grammar for Schools: 5 + DVD

Oxford Grammar for Schools is a 7-level series that helps you understand and practise grammar, supporting and extending what you learn in your coursebook. Understand the grammar: Look at the "Can do" statements to find out what you will learn; See grammar in action: dialogues and examples. Activate your language skills: Read the grammar in a variety of text types. Listen to the grammar and build your listening skills. Write the grammar in "real-life" writing activities. Practise the grammar in speaking activities with others. Prepare for exams and check your progress: Prepare for exams with exam-style tasks. Test yourself with photocopiable tests. Recycle grammar topics from previous levels and check what you remember. Do regular revision activities that practise more than one grammar topic. Rate your progress with the end-of-unit self-evaluation boxes.
Дополнительная информация:
издательство: Oxford University Press
год издания: 2014
язык текста: английский
язык оригинала: английский
тип обложки: /
формат: 220x275 mm
страниц: 192
isbn: 978-0-19-455911-9
в продаже с: 28 августа 2014 г.

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Постоянная ссылка: http://www.bearbooks.ru/book.asp?id=1361496
на 08.05.2024 22:55