Дом Книги «Медведково»
Дом книги «Медведково»
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© 2005–2024 Дом Книги «Медведково»
Washington Square

James Henry

Washington Square

When a handsome young man begins to court Catherine Sloper, she feels she is very lucky. She is a quiet, gentle girl, but neither beautiful nor clever; no one had ever admired her before, or come to the front parlour of her home in Washington Square to whisper soft words of love to her. But in New York in the 1840s young ladies are not free to marry where they please. Catherine must have her father's permission, and Dr Sloper is a rich man. One day Catherine will have a fortune of 30,000 dollars a year...
Дополнительная информация:
издательство: Oxford University Press
год издания: 2009
язык текста: английский
язык оригинала: английский
тип обложки: /
формат: 130x195 mm
страниц: 88
isbn: 978-0-19-479192-2
в продаже с: 19 апреля 2013 г.

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Постоянная ссылка: http://www.bearbooks.ru/book.asp?id=1285513
на 15.05.2024 12:10